Bar Mitzvah Card

 Personalized Bar Mitzvah Card

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Personalized Bar Mitzvah Card: Order Form
$19.99 Personalized Bar Mitzvah Card & Envelope

Model's Name/s
Eye color Hair color Physical build:
General Theme:
Additional Information. If you have a particular car, boat, etc please include a photo or good description below.

Add special writing on card:

Include 2-5 photos (preferably 3/4 view ). It should show typical expression of the model. Face should be quarter size or larger. Photos returned with order.

Customer's Name
City State Zip:
How did you find our website
Mail Order
$ Subtotal
$ 7% sales tax. Indiana Orders.
$ USA Shipping/Handling $4.oo
$ $15: Rush order of 1-2 weeks. 3-6 weeks normal ship time.
Name on card
Credit Card # Expiration Date
Send check or credit card order to:
The Caricature Sideshow, P.O. Box 262, Winona Lake, IN 46590